This is the most important Monarch of Sulawesi: the (not installed) Somba/Sultan of Gowa (left upper picture left) the not proud and very friendly Andi Kumala Andi Idjo Karaeng Sila. He is chief of the Council of the Rajas and Sultans of S-Sulawesi. The man on his right is Maradia (raja) Andi Maksun Dai of Mamuju with his wife. Mamuju is one of the most important of the 9 principalities of Mandar area. Mandar area (in W-Sulawesi) was before known for his people with a soldierlike character.
Donald Tick,
Pusat Dokumentasi Kerajaan-kerajaan Indonesia "Pusaka"
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On the 8th of November 2008 the government of the district Gowa asked the royalm dynasty of Gowa tom leave the palaces of them,because the government wanted to make musea out of it.
The government said,that the palaces were not built with dynastic money(for instance the Balla Lompoa called palace),so it was now the property actually of the new government.But the King of Gowa,who fought the Dutch East Indish Government in 1906 couldn't give the big palace anymore to his dynasty,because after his defeat and death his palace was taken away and removed.When the new King of Gowa was installed in 1937,Holland rebuilt the palace in 1906.
Now a dynasty,who fought for their Indonesian freedom in 1906 is punished because of that by taking away their palace.
I really hope that the peace and harmony will be restored again between the local government and the Royal Family of Gowa.
Thank you for your attention.
Yours sincerelly:
D.P. Tick gRMK/Pusaka
Any news about this matter will be welcomed very much.
Hormat saya/yours sincerelly:
D.P. Tick gRMK/Pusaka.
Dear readers;
Any news about this matter will be very welcome for us.
Yours sincerelly:
D.P. Tick gRMK/Pusaka
Dear rraders;
I just heard,it was the miscommunication in the coordination of the 6th Indonesian National Royal festival in Gowa.The government wanted to make the palace a building for the many exhibitions and the like for the Royal festival/Festival Keraton Nusantara VI.
Now the government and the Royal family of Gowa talked again and the Royal Family just goes back to the palaces ather the royal festival(so after 17-11).
Thanks to God all harmony and peace again there.
I know this information from direct royal channels in the Bugis area on Silawesi,who informed my wife Gusti Yulianitha in balikpapan about it.
Hormat saya:
D.P. Tick gRMK/Pusaka.
Dear readers;
Also happy to tell you,that the boycot by the Royal Families of Indonesia of the royal festival is ended now.
Yours sincerelly:
DP Tick gRMK/Pusaka.
The Maradia of Mamuju is an important provincial politician from at least ca. 1980.He was candidate-Bupati of Mamuju in 2005.
Yours sincerelly:
DP Tick
Maradia Haji Maksum Dai is the oldest son of the 3rd wife of the last ruling maradia of Mamuju:the very good ruler Maradia Jalalu(ddin)Amana Inda,who ruled 1908-after 1951 and born 1875.
This dynasty is known for good rule and being royals with a warm heart.
Salam hormat:
DP Tick
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