Yesterday we already received from several networks,that the Kings,Rajas and dynastychiefs from many parts of Indonesia and from other South East-Asian and evcen East-Asian countries were arriving at the airport of Denpasar on Bali.That is all for the very unique 1st South East Asia Royal Heritage Festival and Expo,which will take place from 25-30 november in the Bali Conference Centre in Denpasar and attended by more than 100 Indonesian dynasties,as well by brother dynasties from the countries surrounding Indonesia and for countries nearby;partly also because the existence and development of Indonesia inthepast resulted in historical contacts with those countries, or have a similar culturalcharacteristics (partly).
I have heard,that from the Philippines the very unique occasion will happen,that from the s.-part of the island of Mindanao; the so-called Maguindanao area; 3 royal families as representatives of their area will attend: the royal families with their sultans of Buayan, Maguindanao and Kabuntalan.
From the morenorth on the island lying Lanao,or Maranao-area 4 of the 15 Sultans will attend with their delegations. For sure the main kings of Indonesian island of Timor will attend,because their arrival on Bali with their Queens and their delegations was announced very recently.That will be a very colourfull appearance,because the Timor Kings are known for their very colourfull and unique traditional royal clothes. Further a representative of the Dutch association of noblefamilies;Baron Smeth;will attend as well.That is very unique also, because never in human history nobility and royalty from Indonesia/SE Asia and Holland/Europe had in this way contact,because both royalty/nobility networks were considered as different worlds.This association is united in the European association of noble families called Silano and Baron de Smeth is going to the Royal festival as well as representative of this European organisation. Apart from that several dynasties from the next brother countries will attend: Malaysia, Singapore (which has one sultan's dynasty;a branch of the Sultan's dynasty of Riau-Lingga/Johore (not Johore sultanate as it is now, which is another dynasty), Thailand, etc.
Even from more far lying befriended nations dynasties will attend like the royal family of Cambodja(the very important on Sumatra founded and later much over parts of Indonesia spread Sriwidjaja Empire was founded by an Cambodian prince!), Korea, Birma(Myanmar), etc. The first 2 days will be the meetings of all these enormous amount of dynasties and organisations with each other, exchanging experiences as f.i. royal families in the present time,looking to each others royal culture, showing your culture to the general audience etc., etc. Than the very open activites of this unique royal festival will in the morning of 27 november be opened by His Excellency President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono.
That is also very much honour and the 2nd big recognition of the Indonesian royal families from the Indonesian govenment.The first big recognition were
the 2 laws,which were recognized 5-12-2007 by the Indonesian central parliament, in which the ca. 300 Indonesian dynasties were recognized again and support for the preservation of the at least royal culture was promessed.
Now it is the first time, that the highest ruler;the president;of the Republic of Indonesia, honours the kings and rajas of Indonesia with his special attendance.
By the way:he is also;apart from former president Abdurahman Wahid; the first Indonesian president with no royal,or noble blood in his veins, or married with a royal, or noble person. Because having some contacts in the attending dynasties and organisations, we are able to offer you regular updates and colourfull; we surely hope,about this very unique event.
We thank you very much for your interest and reactions,which you also
can send to the 2 chiefs of this website:
Ir. I. Festivana in Bandar Lampung at ,
or Mr.D. P.Tick(gRMK) in Vlaardingen/Holland at
We also hope, that we can also offer you the possibility to write your reactions in a new placed guestbook here.
May God bless this Royal festival and the people attending it and our efforts to promote and make understandable the good things in the imperial, royal and princely cultures of the nations in South-East and East-Asia.
Donald Tick,
Pusat Dokumentasi Kerajaan-kerajaan Indonesia "Pusaka"
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