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Jumat, 14 November 2008

Sultan Hamengku Bowono X : Calon Presiden 2009

Pisowanan Ageng
Sultan Maju sebagai Calon Presiden
Rabu, 29 Oktober 2008, 03:00 WIB
Yogyakarta, Kompas - Raja Yogyakarta Sultan Hamengku Buwono X menyatakan diri akan maju sebagai calon presiden pada Pemilihan Umum 2009. Pernyataan itu diungkapkan dalam pidato selama dua menit di forum Pisowanan Ageng. Tim independen yang terdiri atas politisi, budayawan, hingga seniman mengaku akan segera menggalang dukungan bagi Sultan.
”Dengan mohon petunjuk kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa dan dengan niat yang tulus memenuhi panggilan kepada Ibu Pertiwi, dengan ini saya menyatakan siap maju menjadi Presiden 2009,” ujar Sultan di atas podium diiringi tepuk tangan meriah lebih dari 200.000 orang yang memadati Alun-alun Utara Keraton Yogyakarta serta jalan-jalan di kawasan keraton, Senin (27/10).
Dalam jumpa pers yang digelar seusai Pisowanan Ageng, Sultan mengatakan, keputusan untuk maju ke kancah nasional sudah melewati perenungan pribadi serta mempertimbangkan masukan dari keluarga. ”Saya ingin mengabdi bukan untuk mencari kekuasaan. Kalau Saudara ingin berubah, mari bersama saya melakukan perubahan. Saya ingin perubahan,” kata Sultan.
Sultan mengaku semakin tidak tahan melihat penderitaan rakyat. Selama 10 tahun setelah reformasi, tidak ada perubahan fundamental untuk kesejahteraan masyarakat maupun terbentuknya pemerintahan yang akuntabel. Kemiskinan dan pengangguran semakin marak dan bangsa tidak bisa kompetitif menatap masa depan. Dalam kesempatan itu, Sultan menegaskan siap kalah dalam pertarungan politik.
Kesediaan Sultan untuk maju dalam kancah politik nasional didorong oleh tingginya aspirasi dari masyarakat. Terkait kendaraan politik yang akan digunakan, Sultan masih menunggu pengesahan Rancangan Undang-Undang tentang Pemilu Presiden dan Wakil Presiden. Sultan belum menentukan kriteria calon wakil presiden karena harus menunggu kristalisasi dalam proses politik.
Pisowanan Ageng, menurut Sultan, merupakan wujud demokrasi langsung yang tidak sekadar demokrasi prosedural. Masyarakat tidak sekadar menjadi obyek, tetapi subyek. Forum Pisowanan Ageng dihadiri berbagai elemen masyarakat, mulai dari partai politik, akademisi, budayawan, hingga masyarakat dari pelosok desa. Sebanyak 47 raja Nusantara batal hadir karena sempat terjadi kesalahpahaman.
Pengamat budaya dan pengajar program pascasarjana Ilmu Religi dan Budaya Universitas Sanata Dharma Yogyakarta, G Budi Subanar, menuturkan, Pisowanan Ageng yang meminta Sultan bersedia maju sebagai capres merupakan budaya politik baru di Indonesia. Kepemimpinan nasional atau pencapresan selama ini didikte dari pusat oleh elite-elite politik, sedangkan pencapresan Sultan datang dari bawah berdasarkan kehendak masyarakat.
Pengamat ekonomi, Christianto Wibisono, mengatakan, sebagai calon presiden, Sultan harus bisa membangun kepercayaan pasar. Kepercayaan pasar kepada pemerintah merupakan kunci memperbaiki ekonomi dan mengatasi ancaman kesulitan ekonomi sebagai dampak krisis global. Selain itu, harus bisa membangun pemerintahan yang lepas dari konflik kepentingan akibat peran ganda penguasa dan pengusaha. (rwn/wkm)

Kamis, 13 November 2008

Official Invitation : 1st South-East Asia Culture Royal Heritage Festival 2008

Introduction : Faiq Doole, Descendent of Bantam Dynasty

I’m a (Faiq Doole) Descendant of exiled prince TOBAGIES DOELLA (Ab- doella) of Bantam (west Java), according to family genealogical records and Mr.Tuan Arifin Burah’s book the exiled year was mentioned as 1786 AD. {still unable to find out his exiled year from the Dutch records, but in Dutch political council [D.P.C] minutes at Sri Lanka National Archives Colombo, D.P.C- {1/193} 21st June 1786, {1/196} 12th April 1787)(under state exiles heading: 1/3956) his name was mentioned}), when the Dutch were defeated By the British (1796AD) and later to accept British service, he had to swear allegiance to the king of England (in 1810 AD), for which purpose he had hidden his identity by changing his name & retaining a part of the original phonetically sounds and was called BABA IBRAHIM DOOLE. I’m representing the 6th Generation.
• I guess TOBAGIES DOELLA (Ab-doella, [in Dutch oe=u], Ab-dulla) should be a descendant of last recognised Sultan of Bantam, Abdul Fatah Agung [Abul Fath Abdul Fattah, Ageng Tirtayasa ] (1651-1672,died: 1692AD,in Batavia) in 1683 AD, Dutch reduced Sultan to vassalage.

• Mr.Burah mentioned in his book(“SAGA OF THE EXILED ROYAL JAVANESE UN EARTHED”), In the terms of the Treaty of the Capitulation of Colombo concluded on the 27th of February 1796 the Dutch proposed British to allow these Javanese to return to Java, Later the British given the option to stay in Ceylon or to return to Java. (first batch left Ceylon on Wednesday 30th December 1807 & Second batch Sailed on Saturday 9th January 1808, the exiles( 8 Princes Didn’t return) who stayed back in Ceylon had accepted military service [commissioned] of the British, they forced to drop their royal & Princely title & changed their names to conceal the Identity.

• I was able to access to the Dutch documents with the help of Mr. Albert Vandan Belt (Amsterdam), when he was on a short visit to Sri Lanka (from S.L.N.A- SL, Archives, though he was very busy with his work, he speared time for me, he did his level best to find more information( from Dutch VOC records) about my ancestor, but couldn’t. he advised me to establish contacts with the Banten (Bantam) Royalty members or organizations, so that some times there is a possibility of getting a clue.(eg. Traditionalist, etc), I ‘m trying my level best to establish contacts, but at the moment it has been a difficult task. The language and the Level of interest they have on this matter, are the main issues for me. If I can get a small Clue relating to my Ancestor then it will be a personal Victory for me. Because I started my research at the age of 15 years, now I’m 28 years old (bachelor, born in 13.11.1979).

Baba Tajul Arifin Doole(2nd Generation)(b: 1819, died 29th July 1909AD) ( Chief headman, Un official Police Magistrate, Justice of peace: 48 years service under British with high dignity).

If any information please email me to :

Present Sulthan Muhammad Jamaluddin II of Simpang

Karaeng H. Andi Abdul Rauf Maro Karaeng Rewa of Tallo

Tallo already consisted in the 15th century and is a branch of a dynasty, which later ruled Gowa and Tallo. Tallo is considerd as a brotherstate of Gowa.
For many times the raja of Tallo was mostly the prime-minister of Gowa as well.
Because the last Raja Karaeng La Makka Daeng Parani was very recalcitrant towards Dutch rule (not only being anti-Dutch), he was deposed 16-4-1856, afetre having ruled for 6 years.Because the dynasty was all the time very non-cooperative, the Dutch east-Indish Government decided to abolish the monarchy in Tallo.
He was allowed after a short while to rule in the vasal-principality of Lipukasi in Tanette, in which he had some rights.
He did that for quite a long time.

Donald Tick,
Pusat Dokumentasi Kerajaan-kerajaan Indonesia "Pusaka"
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Regent-Sultana Ina Ka'u Siti Mariam Rahmat Salahuddin of Bima

She is one of the most extraordinary persons in the royalty network of Indonesia. As a young woman she was interested and preserved the knowledge of the royal culture of Bima sultanate in a time, when it wasn't really good to concern yourself with it, because Indonesia now was a republic.She was the daughter of the last ruling (and loved) Sultan of Bima.
When the Indonesian government allowed to occupy yourself more with the royal culture and - history, thenshe could come back with all her knowledge, that is why the showing of Bima royal culture is so genuine, because she knows the real culture.
hen her brother died some years ago, his son became dynastychief,but not installed a Sultan, because she thought he also must know more about the royal culture (when it was allowed) to be a good king of Bima according to the customs of Bima.
She was then Regent-Sultana of Bima.The cousin became later even Bupati (Civil Regent) of Bima.
She erally wants to show only eral things in life. She is still all the time seeking in Holland, Indonesia, etc. the documents about the real history and culture of Bima and NTB province. She is very much loved by her own people throughout Indonesia and very much respected by the other monarchs of Indonesia.

Donald Tick,
Pusat Dokumentasi Kerajaan-kerajaan Indonesia "Pusaka"
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Anak Agung Ngurah Kusuma Wardana of Badung - Kesiman

He is chief of one of the sovereign branches of Badung principality. Ca. 1860 the Raja of Badung - Kesiman was the most powerfull Raja of Badung. Ca. 1900 he was already back in his palace and left the real rule of Badung to the 2 other branches. He is local politician.
Known as a quite friendly man. Is not seeking any political power, or recognition fanatically.

Donald Tick,
Pusat Dokumentasi Kerajaan-kerajaan Indonesia "Pusaka"
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Manek Marthen Matheos Johannis and Dynastychief Willem Marthen Johannis of Landu

The manek, or Raja of Landu depicted here was the last ruling monarch of Indonesia until he died 18-3-2008. He ruled 1960-1966. Actually his brother was the crownprince, but he was alerady a judge in the big city of Kupang on the nearby island os Timor, so he gave his rights to the dignity to his younger brother. Landu is considered as the oldestso most respected culturally principality of Rote-islands. It is situated on a peninsula, which connection via land is flooded part of the year (ca. half of the year), that is why the landu people are not very much mixed with other peoples. Euroepan people thought befiorem, that the Landu people were actually a mix of Portugese and Melayu people. Sometimes they look very much like Arabs.
The present dynastychief is hisn oldest son and he was before the mayor of the royal town in Landu area; nowadays called Sotimori.

Donald Tick,
Pusat Dokumentasi Kerajaan-kerajaan Indonesia "Pusaka"
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Karaeng Haji Ali Mallongbasi of Sanrabone

Sanrabone is a little principality south of Makassar. In the makassar,or Gowa area there were several little principalities founded by high, or lower descendants of a Gowa sultan.Sanrabone is descended from a high prince. In ca. 1860 the principalities in this area mostly lost their indirect monarchy rule and became regencies; ruled however still by the dynasties.
Sanrabone principality was for a time under the sway of Gowa,of course later made a bit more independent by Holland. The dynasty was quite a lot intermarried with the Gowa dynasty, so that several rajas of sanrabone also were Sultans of Gowa.
The present Karaeng of sanrabone was insrtalled shortly after this picture was taken. He has a special coloured belt with blocks around his waist. That means in Bugis/Makasarese royal world, that he is a Monarch.

Donald Tick,
Pusat Dokumentasi Kerajaan-kerajaan Indonesia "Pusaka"
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Festival Keraton Nusantara VI 2008 at Gowa

The Festival will be held on 14 - 17 November 2008
Registration Form could be download at
